The Kaptain on … stuff

I read an interesting article recently about using python and open source software to defeat a particular captcha implementation and I set out to see how hard it would be to do the same in Groovy. In particular, coming from the Java side of the fence, I was impressed by how the available libraries in python made loading, mutating and saving images so easy. Admittedly I have limited experience working with image data, but when I have it has always seemed like a complex(and easy to get wrong) process. Maybe there’s a Java library out there that provides a simple ‘image_resize’ method, but it’s certainly not in the BufferedImage API. Still, when porting the 26 lines of code over to Groovy, I was able to get it considerably less verbose than the Java equivalent.

The Pretty Pictures

Here are the three images to test against. In order to put them in a suitable format for the open source tesseract-ocr program to process we need to make them bigger, remove the background noise and transform them into a ‘tif’ format. The python program we’re porting utilizes the PIL library for image handling and the pytesseract library for wrapping tesseract; I didn’t look very hard for java equivalents and just coded the required functions directly.

[singlepic id=58] [singlepic id=60] [singlepic id=59 ]

Reading in the Image

The python code for this is three lines, one to load the image and a couple more to convert it into a format suitable for directly manipulating pixel color through RGB values. Groovy takes a bit more to do the same, but being able to use a ‘with’ block makes interacting with the Graphics object a lot cleaner than the same Java code

from PIL import Image
img =‘input.gif’)
img = img.convert("RGBA")
pixdata = img.load()

BufferedImage image = File(fileName))
BufferedImage dimg = new BufferedImage(image.width, image.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB)
dimg.createGraphics().with {
drawImage(image, null, 0, 0)

Removing the Background Noise

In both cases we’re doing essentially the same thing: finding all non-black pixels and setting them to white. This leaves only the actual embedded text to stand out. Being able to utilize the Java Color constants makes the Groovy version a little more readable, IMO, but otherwise the two pieces of code are generally equivalent.
for y in xrange(img.size[1]):
for x in xrange(img.size[0]):
if pixdata[x, y] != (0, 0, 0, 255):
pixdata[x, y] = (255, 255, 255, 255)

(0..<dimg.height).each {i="" -="">
(0..<dimg.width).each {j="" -="">
if (dimg.getRGB(j, i) != Color.BLACK.RGB)
dimg.setRGB(j, i, Color.WHITE.RGB)

Resizing the Image

Python‘s library usage really shines here, making this a one line call. Not quite the same in Java-land, although again there’s probably a better way to do this(I just don’t know it offhand).
big = im_orig.resize((116, 56), Image.NEAREST)

dimg = resizeImage(dimg, 116, 56)

def resizeImage = {BufferedImage image, int w, int h -&gt;
BufferedImage dimg = new BufferedImage(w, h, image.type)
dimg.createGraphics().with {
drawImage(image, 0, 0, w, h, 0, 0, image.width, image.height, null)
return dimg

By this point the original images now look like this, and are almost ready for OCR.

[singlepic id=61] [singlepic id=62] [singlepic id=63 ]

Converting to a tif File

This one turns out to be a bit of a PITA in Java and particularly on a Mac, and represents the bulk of the Groovy code. Unfortunately it is also the only format that tesseract appears to accept ‘out of the box’. After googling the fun that is JAI and working with the .tif(f) format with it on a Mac, I ended up taking the code kindly provided in this blog post and Groovified it a bit to make a working transformation. Thanks very much to Allan Tan for that. One more time, there’s likely a better/easier way to do this, but honestly it’s more effort than I’m willing to put in on a weekend afternoon just to satisfy my curiosity.

ext = ".tif""input-NEAREST" + ext)

void convertToTiff(String inputFile, String outputFile)
OutputStream ios
ios = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(outputFile)))
ImageEncoder enc = ImageCodec.createImageEncoder("tiff", ios, new TIFFEncodeParam(compression: TIFFEncodeParam.COMPRESSION_NONE, littleEndian: false))
RenderedOp src = JAI.create("fileload", inputFile)

//Apply the color filter and return the result.
ColorConvertOp filterObj = new ColorConvertOp(ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_sRGB), null)
BufferedImage dst = new BufferedImage(src.width, src.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR)
filterObj.filter(src.getAsBufferedImage(), dst)

// save the output file
catch (Exception e)
println e

OCR with Tesseract-OCR

Finally we need to pass the processed image to tesseract so it can ‘read’ it for us. Again, the python library makes this a breeze, but calling out to a command line program with Groovy is so simple that it ends up being about the same. Tesseract itself is available as a macport, as well in downloadable unix binaries and a windows executable so installing the software is a breeze.
from pytesser import *
image =‘input-NEAREST.tif’)
print image_to_string(image)

def tesseract = [‘/opt/local/bin/tesseract’, tmpTif, tmpTesseract].execute()
return new File("${tmpTesseract}.txt").readLines()[0]

Testing it out

To test it out I implemented the code in a maven project, iterate over the images and write out intermediate results to a temp directory. And it only works on two out of three of the cases. For some reason tesseract insists on consistently seeing ‘e4ya’ as ‘e4ga’. I tried to see if I could get it working by tweaking the image manipulation parameters and the order of operations(resizing before removing the background noise for instance) but that just caused the other cases to fail as well. Since in the final image the ‘y’ seems pretty clear, it’s more likely that tweaking tesseract configuration might yield better results.
public void testPrintImage()
def breaker = new CaptchaBreaker()
/* tesseract interprets "e4ya" as "e4ga" unfortunately */
[‘9koO’, ‘jxt9’/*,’e4ya’*/].each {String imageName -&gt;
def fileName = "src/test/resources/${imageName}.gif"
assertEquals("Testing $imageName",imageName, breaker.imageToString(fileName))

C’est Finis

I had some fun playing with areas of Java that I don’t usually interact with, and gained some appreciation for the diversity and ease-of-use exposed by just a couple of python libraries. It’s comforting to note that I was able to implement all of the required functionality from those libraries in < 90 lines of Groovy. With a little more effort I think the final product could be tweaked to avoid the intermediate file system reads/writes as well, but that’s for another day.
Source code is available on github if you’d care to take a look, and thanks for stopping by!

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Once upon a time I used Eclipse as a development environment. It had a lot of things going for it: free(as in beer), rich community involvement, a plethora of plugins and probably my favorite feature: Mylyn. The problem was that it seemed everytime I wanted to upgrade to a newer version, inevitably half of the integrations broke. Please don’t get me wrong, Eclipse is AMAZING software and I do still use it occasionally for specific tasks – but nevertheless I now spend most of my day in IntelliJ. In particular it had better support for Groovy/Grails development and Maven integration – both of which were essential to my everyday work. Throw in default included support for JBoss Seam, JSF/Facelets, html and css and I didn’t really need a lot of plugins anymore. One of the ones I have been using, and that I’ve watched mature over the course of the last year, is the Atlassian IntelliJ Connector. Between it and the greatly improved changeset functionality I finally feel like I have a solid replacement for Mylyn’s excellent task management facilities.

This plugin integrates the IDE with one or more components of the Atlassian application suite. Multiple instances of Jira, Fisheye, Bamboo and Crucible can all be configured and used to streamline the development workflow.


This is perhaps the most essential piece of the puzzle, and inevitably the part a developer is going to interact with the most – the issue tracker. From within the IDE Jira master view you can load filters(basically stored searches for issues), do ad hoc searches and start work on a particular issue. If you drill down to a particular issue you can comment on it, assign it to yourself or another user, log work against it and generally manage it in most of the ways you can from the Jira web interface. Granted it’s not quite as pretty as the web interface, but the essential information and interaction is all there, and if you’re missing something an action is provided to open any issue in a web browser.

What really works for me is how the interaction supports my general workflow so closely:

  • Look in Jira for an issue to work on
  • Assign it to myself(if it’s not already)
  • Start progress on the issue, which starts a timer and creates a corresponding changeset
  • Do whatever development work that is required to satisfy the issue, pausing and resuming as necessary for
    the duration of the task
  • Commit the changeset, optionally logging time against the issue and creating a Crucible review for later
  • Rinse and repeat

Granted, I’m not the best at remembering to pause the timer, but being confronted with the time when I commit forces me to honestly evaluate how much time it took to complete the task when it’s clearest in my mind. And incidentally, while we’re here, the option to automatically organize imports in the commit dialog, a built in IDE function, has saved my butt from maven dependency-analyze any number of times.

It’s also convenient that you can see all comments and attachments for issues – viewing a screenshot describing a UI issue is pretty much essential after all, don’t you think?
[singlepic id=53]


So once your code is committed, a build is kicked off on Bamboo. Hopefully all goes well, but if any build you’re listening to fails the IDE will give you a message to that effect. You also have access to changes, tests and any associated build logs. And whether or not your build does fail, stacktraces from the log are immediately available and clickable in the IDE. In addition, you can manually trigger builds and label or comment them.
[singlepic id=46]


Integration with Fisheye is bi-directional between the IDE and the Fisheye webview. Context menus are available on right clicks in the IDE that open a file in Fisheye. And in the Fisheye web app clicking an IntelliJ icon will open a file in the IDE. It should be noted that this feature only appears to be available with Fisheye 2. I know because I’ve been missing it in Jira Studio, which still uses the 1.6 version of Fisheye.
[singlepic id=50]
[singlepic id=52]


This is the one integration I’ve used the least so far, primarily because I don’t have Crucible installed locally for testing and again it seems a lot of the power of the integration is only available with version 2. The documentation certainly seems to suggest more rich functionality than I’ve found available anyhow. Fisheye and Crucible are actually bundled together for installation, so the Jira Studio version appears also restricted to the 1.6 version – for the time being at least. Mostly the Crucible integration is convenient because it provides messaging when reviews are assigned or commented.


To be perfectly honest, I didn’t even look for these until writing this blog post. Configuring and using the plugin is very straightforward, provided you’re familiar with using these Atlassian tools at least. Nevertheless, I did discover a few additional bonuses and as usual the docs are both complete and up to date.


Really the point of using this plugin is to significantly reduce context switching; as much as possible your work is concentrated in one interface, and for the vast majority of cases you only need one piece of software running to get the job done. Where context switching is inevitable, this software tries to make it as “one-click” as possible. The end result is to put the power of your Atlassian products front and center in the IDE, where us developer types spend most of our working lives. Now, if only Jira Studio gets updated to the latest available software versions, because I’m dying to try out side-by-side diffs for Crucible reviews in IntelliJ!

Anyhow, if you use Atlassian tools the Connector is well worth checking out. And you Eclipse users aren’t left in the dark either. I can’t vouch for it’s quality, but there is an equivalent plugin for Eclipse available as well.

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11 Feb, 2010

A One Day Griffon Application/Presentation

Posted by: TheKaptain In: Development

I took the opportunity this past weekend to test drive the latest beta version of Griffon and along with it the as-of-yet unreleased slideware plugin. If you’re not already aware, Griffon is a Grails inspired framework for creating Java Swing applications. The project lead, Andres Almiray, has given several presentations using this plugin and it provides an excellent platform for showcasing both the power of Swing and the capabilities of Griffon to make it all look so easy.

The slideware plugin provides a framework for creating presentations with a little twist – you can execute code live from the presentation software. If you’ve ever given a presentation about programming you probably are fully aware of the transition from presentation software to your preferred environment for demonstrating code samples. Well, now you can stay entirely within the same application, editing and running code live.

The plugin itself isn’t available from the Griffon repository but source code and a built 0.2 version can be found on github. Considering both the youth of the plugin and the beta status of the framework, it worked impressively well AND had a rich feature set. All of the expected “powerpoint” features are there: themes, layout control, styling, slide transitions and export are all pretty easy to incorporate and configure. The code editor view also works very well. A great variety of additional plugins are harnessed to put all the pieces together and as a result building one of these applications is a great way to tour the platform.


Applying a theme to the presentation is simply selecting a Java Look and Feel to apply in Initialize.groovy. The Substance jar is included with the plugin so I test drove a few of the nice setups in there and finally settled on the SubstanceMagmaLookAndFeel. There is definitely a wide variety of L&F’s to choose from in that bundle alone and, although I haven’t done it myself, they seem pretty tweakable as well. Plus any old L&F should plug in nicely, I would imagine.
‘mac’, ‘nimbus’, ‘gtk’, [‘metal’, [boldFonts: false]])


Controlling the page composition is a standard Swing Layout or, in the case of the default slide you get with the included “create-slide” script, a MigLayout. Framing the standard variety of slides is very simple. Bulleted pages, title slides, code slides and custom layouts are very easy to accomplish. I don’t have a lot of experience using this particular layout but the presentations Andres has made available on github have a good diversity of examples of how they look in practice.
//the default create-slide generated template
import net.miginfocom.swing.MigLayout

slide(id: "slide0", layout: new MigLayout("fill","[center]","[center]")) {
label("Insert your text here")


Styling is supplied by the css plugin, on which slideware has a dependency. The default style.css file sets out just some reasonable defaults for the fonts used in different parts of the app, and I didn’t see any real need to fiddle with it. Especially happy to see the nice monospace code font. On a totally related note I recently installed the Inconsolata monospace font to try for development and I’ve been very happy seeing it in my editor, but it’s still nice to see this kind of polish applied to the presentation. The code editor view even includes syntax highlighting! More on that coming right up…

Slide Transitions

Moving between slides with style is the responsibility of the transitions plugin. You can see see all of the animations this plugin enables over here at this page describing Transitions and Transition2Ds. Pretty slick stuff and defined as simply as a parameter to each “slide” node in a script.
slide(id: "slide3", layout: new MigLayout("fill","3%[center]3%","3%[center]3%"),
title: "Junit3",
transition: new FlurryTransition2D(Transition2D.OUT)) {
scrollPane(constraints: "grow") {
widget(createEditor(text: script))

Code Editor

Code slides embed an editable widget and allow for composing and executing Groovy scripts or classes of arbitrary complexity. You can execute the code with a keyboard shortcut and a window will open displaying the console output. The code itself is executed through a GroovyShell, enabling pretty much anything you might want to do. If you have an internet connection and the required repositories configured, Grapes simplifies packaging the dependencies for the application as your code samples can directly Grab the jars they need. Basically, the first time you execute a code slide you’ll have to put up with a small pause while Ivy downloads to your local repository, unless of course the required dependencies are already there. In my case I changed strategies from including jars in the application lib directory to a Grapes approach and I think it’s a better way to go.

I was surprised to find that the editor even included undo functionality. It’s definitely not close to a full blown IDE, and there’s absolutely no reason that it should be. For the task of demoing simple code examples it’s more than up to the task, even to the point of maintaining your edits between slide transitions, allowing you to move back and forth through the slide deck without any state problems.
[singlepic id=38]


The application includes a “Print” feature which iterates through the entire slide deck and renders it to a pdf. Distribution of one of these presentations is really very easy, including the ability to create installers for all major platforms simply by adding the packaging plugin.

Test Application

The test app I built while looking into this is pretty simple. It’s got a title slide, a bullet slide and 4 code slides. The code simply demonstrates how you can create test classes and make assertions for Junit 3(with GroovyTestCase), Junit 4 and TestNG. GroovyShell recognizes all 3 of these test files by interface or annotation and executes them appropriately. In each case the console output of the test framework is the result, including the new Spock inspired ascii art assert failure renderings. The Test result files are also written to disk, and that TestNG html output is what I’m used to looking at anyhow. Show me the Green!

The last code slide is just a slightly updated version of an example script on the Grapes page, using the current version of Google Collections and intentionally introducing a failure- mostly just to show off that new assert rendering I mentioned a moment ago. VERY helpful at highlighting the exact nature of a failure. It also encourages me to pay more attention to how I name variables, something I’m sure every developer that has ever worked with me will cheer at. Man, I suck at naming things.

I also developed a brute force test that loads each slide and executes scripts if finds embedded there. Failures are hard to detect since the direct output is simply a text block, but some fairly simple regex’s applied to the output make me at least moderately confident that the code won’t fail at show time.

Overall Impression

It took a couple of afternoons(six hours or so total) to download the source code from github, explore it, create a simple presentation and document the experience. I won’t begin to suggest that I’m fully aware of all the details happening behind the scenes, but the end user experience is pretty fluid: create a slide, tailor the layout, add content and then repeat. The included examples were more than enough documentation on how to hit the ground running. The plugin code itself is a great example of the MVC nature of Griffon, not a whole lot of code, but a great deal of power and expressability. There were a couple of glitches happening in the background, mostly just logging to the console with no visible effect to the application, but overall it functioned as well as (not) advertised. For publicly unreleased software it was an absolute pleasure to work with and I plan on continuing with the development of this particular presentation.

Everything you need to build and run this stuff yourself is publicly available. In my case, Griffon generally has a recent Macport available for both the released(griffon @0.2.1) and development versions(griffon-devel @0.3-BETA-2). Switching versions is relatively painless and, for applications this simple, testing out upgrades is basically just going through the presentation once in a functional test. Versions for other platforms can be downloaded from the Griffon download page.


Source code for the sample application is available on github here. Please just leave a comment on this page if you have any problems running it.

Here’s the pdf produced by the application ‘Print’ feature: [download id=”2″]

And if you don’t feel like downloading anything, here’s how it all looks in pretty pictures.
[nggallery id=9]

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27 Jan, 2010

Thanks for the shirt Atlassian!

Posted by: TheKaptain In: Development

So my t-shirt arrived today in the mail compliments of Atlassian. Bright green and well earned when I slayed the dragon, I’ll wear it with pride.  So far I’ve been getting the most mileage out of Bamboo and Jira, but I’ve also been tweaking Confluence to make it just right. Following right along with Atlassian’s lead, both TaskDock and Gliffy are offering $10 donation licenses for less than ten user systems, so I’ve pretty much got to at least try them out right?

Actually I’ve used Gliffy in Confluence before, and it’s come in handy more than once or twice. But between Balsamiq and OmniGraffle I’m already well equipped to cover up the fact that my artistic abilities lie somewhere below drawing stick men. TaskDock has however been installed and set up to nag me via email when I am getting behind schedule. Next will be Customware’s scaffolding and reporting plugins. The scaffolding capabilities make dealing with tables in Confluence a breeze – almost(but not quite) enough to make me abandon the wiki editor completely. Why take my word for it when you can just watch the video?

Anyhow, so far I’m very happy with the software and how it’s already helped me organize projects at home better. The t-shirt is just a nice bonus.

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07 Jan, 2010

Bamboo, Grails and Git for Continuous Integration

Posted by: TheKaptain In: Development

Following up on my recent installation of the Atlassian product suite at home, I had a really positive experience setting up Bamboo to work with several of my recent Grails projects. Bamboo has proven to be a powerful and essential tool at my day job and I’ve really been looking forward to putting it to work for my personal projects. I’ve also been using Git for a repository lately, and while I have nothing but praise for my good friend svn, I have to say the ability to set up a new repository in 2 seconds flat is pretty damn convenient.

Since neither Grails nor Git are by default supported by Bamboo, I grabbed a couple of plugins to enable my home continuous integration system. Bamboo has a very sensible plugin model that allows for adding new capabilites with only a jar file in the right place and a server restart, and a fairly rich library of plugins. It’s also encouraging to see a company that is committed to eating their own dog food – recently they’ve moved their plugin resources to Jira studio as you can see on the Grails plugin home page. This gives you as the consumer of the software access to the wiki’d documentation, any open issues, and even visibility into when source code changes are committed. I’m assuming that last is subject to whether or not the plugin source code is open source or not, but still – pretty nifty.

The Grails plugin instructions speak for themselves in the 3 screen-shots on the one and only wiki page. Anything else you need to know is summarized in a one liner on the “Builder” tab when you select the Grails builder: “Use a new line to seperate Grails commands.” Gotta love clear, simple instructions. Drop the plugin jar into $BAMBOO_INSTALL_DIR/webapp/WEB-INF/lib, restart Bamboo and configure a new builder for Grails. Took a couple of minutes and knowing where my Grails install was located.

[singlepic id=30 w=750]

A quick Google for “Bamboo git plugin” led to a bit of a hypertext chase that eventually ended up here. Looks like this particular plugin has passed through the hands of at least a couple of maintainers, but so far it’s worked exactly as advertised. And again, loving the dog food analogy, it’s nice to see a project enabling Git hosted on github. Thanks very much to Kristian Rosenvold for running with the ball on this one! Again, drop the jar into $BAMBOO_INSTALL_DIR/webapp/WEB-INF/lib and restart Bamboo. When creating a plan you will now have Git as a choice for a Source Repository. In my case I’m just using a plain file repository that resides on the build box, but it should work just as well with a remote repository.

[singlepic id=31 w=750]

Setting up the Grails targets is similarly straightforward. Thanks to this article, which describes the Grails setup on Hudson, and reminded me about the –non-interactive flag since obviously the build server isn’t going to be able to interact with the console. I’m also using a couple of Grails plugins to provide static source code analysis so my parameters also include -coverage and a call to the codenarc script.

[singlepic id=32 w=750]

I had a little trepidation about how this would all turn out after reading this blog post, but I’ve had much better results so far in my personal experience. It’s entirely possible that the key differentiator is wrapping Grails with Maven. It’s definitely not perfect, but it is getting better all the time. Hopefully you have better luck in the future Neil!

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02 Jan, 2010

Atlassian: Here Be Dragons

Posted by: TheKaptain In: Cool Toys|Development

I’ve been using Atlassian tools at work for a few years now, and it’s hard to imagine how much different developing software would be without them. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Atlassian, here’s the 10,000 foot view.

The Atlassian Toolbox

Jira is the cornerstone of the stack and, with the addition of the ‘Agile’ GreenHopper plugin, is an ideal tool for tying together issue tracking and project planning in one easy to work with bundle. Crucible and Fisheye provide peer review and repository browsing. The Confluence wiki provides a great framework for organizing and sharing knowledge. Bamboo is an extremely versatile continuous integration platform. Crowd provides SSO and identity management. And they all can link together nicely to provide consolidated views spanning the entire stack.

Here Be Dragons

Late in 2009 Atlassian started a new marketing campaign geared towards smaller deployments: $60 to purchase 10 user licenses for the entire software stack, including 30 day trial licenses with support. Previously some of the applications were available for personal use(2 or 3 Users only) at no cost, and indeed I have a Confluence install I’ve been using for the last year, but this deal makes the entire stack available at what is really a very reasonable price. And they even include a fun, if slightly corny, tutorial which guides you through installing and configuring all of the applications to link them together. So here’s my experience ‘Slaying the Dragon’.

[singlepic id=28]

The very first thing I discovered was that my years old Intel iMac with 1GB of memory just wasn’t going to cut it. The recommendation is for 2GB of memory and “No other applications running รขโ‚ฌโ€ just the operating system, JAVA, PostgreSQL and the Atlassian applications” so I of course took that as an opportunity to ask Santa for a memory upgrade.

Ten days later, with 4GB of brand new RAM installed I got much further than the SLOW grind that was Crowd + Jira + Confluence + iTunes fighting with each other over 1 gig of memory(shudder). Aside from a couple of minor hiccups, everything installed without hassle and the instructions were nothing short of spectacular. I did have to make some tweaks to the postgres database configuration upping the number of allowed connections; apparently this setup is more than a little connection hungry, tsk tsk. Crowd is the one application I’m least familiar with, and integrating with it seemed to be the most actual ‘work’ but hey – if manually copying around and modifying a couple of configuration files is the biggest hassle involved in providing SSO for 5 enterprise apps, I think I can live with it.  I am probably going to have to bite the bullet and invest in a more practical server machine, but I’m pretty sure the 2010 budget can find room for at least one new computer.

Been There, Done That, Where’s my T-shirt?

I’ve already started to plan out milestones for the new year’s projects in Jira, so I guess I’m already committed to paying the $60 when my trial period expires. Especially when Atlassian is donating all proceeds to Room to Read. I get enterprise-ready software for cheap AND all the money goes to a good cause. Win-win in my books – and a great job by Atlassian(on both the software and the charitable good.) Did I mention they’re sending out free t-shirts to anyone who completes the challenge?

In the gallery below is a screen shot for the single Jira Dashboard view you end up with at the end of the exercise. It ties together activity from each of the applications into one homogeneous view, and each widget is color coded to represent where the data is being drawn from. If you’re looking for an affordable solution to help streamline your work at home or in a small development team, check it out!
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