The Kaptain on … stuff

Posts Tagged ‘Grape

22 Jul, 2009

I am a Procedural Programmer

Posted by: TheKaptain In: Development

I had occasion today to reflect on what I’ve learned in the last few years developing software and it occured to me, not much has really changed since I first struggled with Lisp and Scheme in university. I still don’t completely “get” functional programming! Wrapping my head around all those brackets in any derivative of […]

19 Apr, 2009

Groovy and Glazed Lists with Grape

Posted by: TheKaptain In: Development

So today while I was cleaning out the garage, I finally got a chance to the listen to the Java Posse podcast on Google Collections and GlazedLists. Google Collections has come in handy a few times, the MultiMap extension most notably. It solves essentially the same kind of problem that I described way back in […]